The Membership Drive is held during the month of January. Please consider renewing your membership or becoming a Friend, attending monthly meetings, and helping with our fundraisers, or being a passive member. Current Friends are asked to renew their membership before January 31, 2025.
The Friends accept new members all year and welcome members at monthly meetings, which are held on the third Tuesday, 4:00 p.m. in the library meeting room or alternate location listed. On entering the library, turn right down the hallway gallery to get to the meeting room at end of Hall. Annual Membership fee: $7.00 Individual $50 Business (include business card for listing on Friends' website) You can join the Friends or Donate by using a Membership Application located near Friends' Bookstore or at the library checkout desk. Leave with library staff at front desk or mail your application and payment to: Heggan Library Friends 606 N Delsea Drive Sewell, NJ 08080 Optional donations to this 501(C)3 charitable corporation are welcomed in any amount. |
Online membership/donations
Be sure to note donation details and provide your phone number in "Add a message" so we can acknowledge your payment and add you to membership list. Click PayPal.Me to pay Individual or Business membership fee. Annual Membership fee: $7.00 Individual $50 Business (includes listing on Friends' website and Facebook page) |